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Something is Blooming on Spring St.

On March 31st, 2023, “Something is Blooming on Spring St”, an evening of art and music, occurred in Soho, New York City. 

A deep gratitude goes out to New York Quality Strings for sponsoring the event.

It was hosted by the Atrium Quartet, consisting of Marybeth MacKay, Jacob Shur, Malachi Brown, and Jennifer Ko. The evening also featured filmmaker Tashrika Sharma, painter Sam Adlin, and photographer Ayla Stern. The sponsorship funds were used to pay the artists involved and gift an electric piano to residents at the New View Alternatives group home.

An impactful night, indeed. 

The artists were compensated, the audience united, and more human beings now have access to musical instruments.

A true success.

This event was designed to utilize funds in the most meaningful way. It simultaneously provided for audiences, artists, and under-privileged communities.

It allowed audience members to find fulfillment in another passing day, helped local artists stay afloat in their present circumstances, and gave a community musical resources for their future.

Thank you to all those involved.

Stay tuned,


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I am here, alive and well, in New York City.

Residing, working, and exploring. A place full of culture. Full of humanity. Full of uniqueness. Full of love.

Sadly though, entangled within this special place, is an unhealthy fixation on capitalist wealth.

Hu-money-ty. When millions of people swarm around the dollar bill, while forgetting about equality and fundamental well-being.

Minimum wage jobs have people suffering while CEOs gain wealth.

Both homelessness and luxury apartment buildings are on the rise.

The wealthiest companies are prioritizing the sale over those on the frontlines actually doing the sale.

This fault is not caused by any one, but rather caused by several collective systems that are in place.

It is not to say that there are no charitable systems doing exceptional work. It is to say, rather, that there is not enough exceptional work being done and way too much greedy work being done.

A species that is motivated to work for its own greed is a species that will fail.

Can alliances form to fund solutions?

If so, I hope to play my part.

More soon. Stay tuned.


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New partnership with New York Live Arts!

“I am extremely grateful for this partnership with New York Live Arts. Three years ago, this organization was nothing but an idea in my brain, and now with the help of New York Live Arts, it has turned into a legitimate fundraising organization that has a real chance to make an impact right now.” -Jake Shur, Founder, Balance World Music

Link to make tax-deductible donations,

Balance World Music is a fiscally sponsored member of New York Live Arts, Inc., a non-profit tax-exempt organization. Contributions in support of Balance World Music’s work are greatly appreciated and may be made payable to New York Live Arts, Inc., earmarked for “the New York Live Arts member project of Balance World Music” A description of the work and current project activities for which such contributions will be used are available from Balance World Music or New York Live Arts, upon request. All contributions are fully deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Note: A copy of New York Live Arts’ latest annual financial report filed with the New York State Department of State may be obtained by writing to the N.Y.S. Dept. of State, Charities Registration, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY, 12231, or to New York Live Arts, 219 West 19th Street, New York, NY, 10011)

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Today is a Chord

Monday is a chord. 

Some Tuesdays are bright, some Wednesdays are bleak. 

Thursdays may be loud and Fridays may resolve to quietness.

Sounds of serenity are found within Saturdays and harshness may speak on Sundays. 

The phrases of life we all experience at once. All people living through unique chords, each and every day.

One chord may seem to last a life-time while the next one pulses by in what feels like a singular breath.

Though, every chord, in all that it brings, creates emotional tone colors. Tone colors in the forms of beauty, love, hatred and suffering. Infinite compositions of feelings are what keep the music going.

A progression of emotions found here on this spinning concert hall called Earth.

We are the voices of the chords. What an incredible responsibility. To harmonize with one another. 

Because this progression is blissful when the chords are striking just right. Magical moments when the sound of the moment is all that matters.

But, it is also a progression of piercing dissonance, at times. When the notes of the day clash in such a way that challenge us to march through the sounds until the air is cleared. 

Until it vanishes. Until silence ends the music for the day. Until the next morning sounds again.

Today is a chord, so let it ring.


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The Best Coffee I’ve Ever Had

The best coffee I’ve ever had came from my local bodega and I swear it could compete with any fancy coffee chain in New York City, for sure.

It got me thinking about how our society is so consumed by the mega commercial corporations that seem to run our economy. I have actually seen this with my own eyes while commuting between downtown and uptown recently. It has revealed the enormous wealth gap that is extremely prevalent here in New York City. 

Wealth inequality is a real problem here. More so here than any other place I have lived. A problem that I hope to help fix.

Why do I care about this problem? Because it affects students the most.

Kids growing up in poor neighborhoods get poorer educations, food qualities, and senses of safety. Less access to health services leave many kids out of luck with little help to get the support they need. An 11 year old kid in foster care can grow up to be a 21 year old homeless person. In fact, I recently met someone who embodies this awful, harsh truth of our society.

I met him while riding the subway. I listened to his story while he was begging for money. He said he was 26, the same age as me. This happened a few weeks ago but I still think about the rawness of the moment. He was screaming to passengers about how he has been homeless for 5 years, after aging out of foster care at 21. He was telling passengers that he was scared, on crack, and didn’t know what to do. This man needed serious help and it honestly broke my heart, being his peer.  

This man serves as just one example of the many individuals suffering from the environment of New York City. Of course, this mans story probably has a lot more to it, but the simple fact that our society produces realities like his is extremely sickening.

After living here for about a month, I have noticed how each neighborhood has a different feeling of wealthiness, some more wealthy feeling than others, with more wealthy neighborhoods consisting of fancier dressed people, more modern looking buildings, more high-end shops, and senses of aesthetics. It is a huge spectrum. In all neighborhoods, though, you will also find people like this man on the subway. The poorest of poor. People who look like they are struggling to survive while thousands of people ignore them each day. Pregnant women begging for their next meal. Kids laying on the street while their parents beg for help. Income inequality is real here in New York City. I believe educational resources can be the most immediate cure.


My goal is be a world-class music educator, here in New York City, for every student that has their eyes on me in the classroom. My goal is to make each moment as impactful as possible for my students, so they can benefit from the powers of music. My goal is to continue to work towards creating a non-profit educational organization that funnels money and resources to students who need it most. Perhaps, if this was done for that 26 year old man on the subway when he was a kid, he would be telling a different story today, sharing his own talents with us. Talents that every human-being possesses. Let’s start by changing the environment.


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Leave it here.

“You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. You can’t take it with you, but you can leave it here.” -Denzel Washington

A really profound statement that hit me deeply when I first heard it in this youtube video. It gave me motivation and I hope that after reading this, you may too also gain something from it.

I will share my interpretation of this quotes true meaning. You, of course, do not have to agree with me and I would love to hear your opinions in the comment section (new feature on this website, yay!)

To get things started, it is true that whatever material things we acquire, whether it be money, houses, cars, clothes or fancy toys, are purely temporary. When we die, our things cannot be taken with us. An undeniable truth. A U-Haul will not be needed to deliver your belongings to the cemetery.

These belongings, the stuff that one spends their lifetime acquiring, are obviously useful when we are alive, don’t get me wrong. We all rely on stuff in our daily lives. Everyone tries to obtain money, places to call home, and furniture to warm up their homes. People are constantly in pursuit of all kinds of stuff to make living easier. Our economy is heavily driven by the resources and tools that are being made, sold, and purchased every day. June 2022 really is a convenient time to be alive.


I think it’s important to also be aware that these things will not last forever because you, yourself, your soul, and your heart will not last forever. You can’t take your stuff with you once you die. Again, a U-Haul will not be hauling your mattress, futon and kitchen table to your grave. 

So, if this is all true then I propose this question. How could one strive to live a fulfilling life without solely being motivated by material things?

Perhaps, that quote actually answers this question with, “leave it here.”

Leave it here, not in the sense that your physical stuff will be left on earth when you die. No one really cares about your fancy mattress anyway.

But rather, leave it here by leaving your opinions here. Leaving your actions here. Leaving your creations here. Leaving your voice here. Leaving your art here. Leaving your personal legacy here.

Perhaps too, leaving it here could mean genuinely caring about every human interaction you encounter. Doing the best you can to live in harmony with strangers, as well as prioritizing your relationships with the people close to you. We all have the ability to positively impact each other.

Furthermore, leaving it here could mean strongly expressing your viewpoints in a respectful manner to those who want to listen. This way, those viewpoints are not just stuck inside your brain. This way, you are fighting your version of the good fight, whatever that may look like for you.

Leaving it here could mean standing up for what you believe in. Live life with the hope that your voice will positively impact others.  When doing so, know that clashes and dissonances are bound to happen. These disagreements, though, are what lead to new ideas, perspectives and insights.

Perhaps, all of that is the true meaning of leaving it here. To be a person that authentically expresses themselves each day, the best they can, with love in their heart. 

I am writing this particular sentence from the A train. I switched my Tokyo Pasmo card for a NYC Metro Card, and I will soon attempt to leave it here in New York City by leading a music program.

Life is a beautiful place to share your passion, so leave it here.