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Leave it here.

“You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. You can’t take it with you, but you can leave it here.” -Denzel Washington

A really profound statement that hit me deeply when I first heard it in this youtube video. It gave me motivation and I hope that after reading this, you may too also gain something from it.

I will share my interpretation of this quotes true meaning. You, of course, do not have to agree with me and I would love to hear your opinions in the comment section (new feature on this website, yay!)

To get things started, it is true that whatever material things we acquire, whether it be money, houses, cars, clothes or fancy toys, are purely temporary. When we die, our things cannot be taken with us. An undeniable truth. A U-Haul will not be needed to deliver your belongings to the cemetery.

These belongings, the stuff that one spends their lifetime acquiring, are obviously useful when we are alive, don’t get me wrong. We all rely on stuff in our daily lives. Everyone tries to obtain money, places to call home, and furniture to warm up their homes. People are constantly in pursuit of all kinds of stuff to make living easier. Our economy is heavily driven by the resources and tools that are being made, sold, and purchased every day. June 2022 really is a convenient time to be alive.


I think it’s important to also be aware that these things will not last forever because you, yourself, your soul, and your heart will not last forever. You can’t take your stuff with you once you die. Again, a U-Haul will not be hauling your mattress, futon and kitchen table to your grave. 

So, if this is all true then I propose this question. How could one strive to live a fulfilling life without solely being motivated by material things?

Perhaps, that quote actually answers this question with, “leave it here.”

Leave it here, not in the sense that your physical stuff will be left on earth when you die. No one really cares about your fancy mattress anyway.

But rather, leave it here by leaving your opinions here. Leaving your actions here. Leaving your creations here. Leaving your voice here. Leaving your art here. Leaving your personal legacy here.

Perhaps too, leaving it here could mean genuinely caring about every human interaction you encounter. Doing the best you can to live in harmony with strangers, as well as prioritizing your relationships with the people close to you. We all have the ability to positively impact each other.

Furthermore, leaving it here could mean strongly expressing your viewpoints in a respectful manner to those who want to listen. This way, those viewpoints are not just stuck inside your brain. This way, you are fighting your version of the good fight, whatever that may look like for you.

Leaving it here could mean standing up for what you believe in. Live life with the hope that your voice will positively impact others.  When doing so, know that clashes and dissonances are bound to happen. These disagreements, though, are what lead to new ideas, perspectives and insights.

Perhaps, all of that is the true meaning of leaving it here. To be a person that authentically expresses themselves each day, the best they can, with love in their heart. 

I am writing this particular sentence from the A train. I switched my Tokyo Pasmo card for a NYC Metro Card, and I will soon attempt to leave it here in New York City by leading a music program.

Life is a beautiful place to share your passion, so leave it here.