In the Fall of 2021, The Joy Project began, which was a school-to-school partnership program focused on creating a virtual music ensemble. It connected music programs at the Tokyo International School in Japan and the Nanuet Union Free School District in the United States.
Throughout the Fall season, students and teachers worked together to create a virtual string ensemble, which was successfully completed in December of 2021.
The ensemble consisted of 12 student musicians, who performed the theme from the fourth movement of Symphony No. 9 by Ludwig Van Beethoven, supported by an arranged harmony part.
Deep thanks goes out to,
-Melanie Sadoff, music teacher at Nanuet Union Free School District.
-Jamison Barrett, music teacher at Tokyo International School.
-The 12 student musicians of the ensemble.
-Together With Classical, the non-profit organization that funded this project.
Time away from music inspired this project. It inspired an appreciation for the connectivity music provides. That appreciation led to the question. What if, somehow, we could use music collaboration to leapfrog borders and bring the world closer together?
Everyone involved in The Joy Project proved this to be, indeed, possible.